Nos services

Pro-Sec forte des acquis de l'ensemble de son personnel , peut vous apporter son expérience et son savoir-faire dans le domaine du gardiennage , de la sureté et de la sécurité.

Nos secteurs d'interventions

Pro-sec apporte à travers ses compétences humaines et techniques un rayonnement dans tous les domaines de la sureté et de la sécurité préventive. Privilégie le Contact, le Dialogue et instaure une relation de confiance. NOS SECTEURS D’INTERVENTIONS :

  • Bureaux, hôtels, restaurants.
  • Transports en commun
  • Magasins et centre
  • Immeuble de grande hauteur (IGH)
  • Commerciaux Entrepôts et chantier
  • Usine, zone industrielle

Nos secteurs d'interventions

Pro-sec apporte à travers ses compétences humaines et techniques un rayonnement dans tous les domaines de la sureté et de la sécurité préventive. Privilégie le Contact, le Dialogue et instaure une relation de confiance. NOS SECTEURS D’INTERVENTIONS :

  • Bureaux, hôtels, restaurants.
  • Transports en commun
  • Magasins et centre
  • Immeuble de grande hauteur (IGH)
  • Commerciaux Entrepôts et chantier
  • Usine, zone industrielle


  • Maitrise de soi
  • L’expérience
  • Bonne présentation
  • La facilité d’adaptation en équipe sur le terrain
  • Faculté d’analyse de situations de crises
  • Respect du code de déontologie du CNAPS et de la législation en vigueur

Contactez nous

Nous nous réjouissons de répondre à vos demandes et restons volontiers à votre dispositions en permanence

Why choose investment plan

Help agencies to define their new business objectives and then create professional software.

Expert management

Replacing a maintains the amount of lines. When replacing a selection. help agencies to define their new business objectives and then create

Secure investment

Replacing a maintains the amount of lines. When replacing a selection. help agencies to define their new business objectives and then create

Registered company

Replacing a maintains the amount of lines. When replacing a selection. help agencies to define their new business objectives and then create

Instant withdrawal

Replacing a maintains the amount of lines. When replacing a selection. help agencies to define their new business objectives and then create

Verified security

Replacing a maintains the amount of lines. When replacing a selection. help agencies to define their new business objectives and then create

Live customer support

Replacing a maintains the amount of lines. When replacing a selection. help agencies to define their new business objectives and then create

An investment multi-national firm is a invest money of one or more experts. Provides more profite, We help your satele to future life and then create the road. Grow Money speedly without any risk.

Alex ferneld, CEO

Referral bonus level

Help agencies to define their new business objectives and then create professional software.


Level 01 instant 30% commission


Level 02 instant 20% commission


Level 03 instant 10% commission

Deposite and withdrawals history

Help agencies to define their new business objectives and then create professional software.

Last deposite

Name Date Amount Currency
Admond sayhel Jan 02, 2020 $1000 Bitcoin
Jonshon Dec 12, 2019 $5000 USD
Hopper Dec 22, 2019 $4000 Ripple
Admond sayhel Jan 02, 2020 $3000 Bitcoin
Anjel july Jan 05, 2020 $500 USD
Lagisha Jan 12, 2020 $5000 Bitcoin

Last withdrawals

Name Date Amount Currency
Arnold Jan 04, 2020 $1000 USD
Jhon Abra Jan 07, 2020 $6000 USD
Lanisha Jan 13, 2020 $5000 USD
Gongales Jan 12, 2020 $2000 USD
Admond sayhel Jan 10, 2020 $1000 USD
Remond Jan 02, 2020 $3000 USD

Global investment plan news

Dummy text is also used to demonstrate the appearance of different typefaces and layouts

Some important FAQ

Help agencies to define their new business objectives and then create professional software.

When replacing a multi-lined selection of text, the generated dummy text maintains the amount of lines. When replacing a selection of text within a single line, the amount of words is roughly being maintained.

When replacing a multi-lined selection of text, the generated dummy text maintains the amount of lines. When replacing a selection of text within a single line, the amount of words is roughly being maintained.

When replacing a multi-lined selection of text, the generated dummy text maintains the amount of lines. When replacing a selection of text within a single line, the amount of words is roughly being maintained.

When replacing a multi-lined selection of text, the generated dummy text maintains the amount of lines. When replacing a selection of text within a single line, the amount of words is roughly being maintained.

When replacing a multi-lined selection of text, the generated dummy text maintains the amount of lines. When replacing a selection of text within a single line, the amount of words is roughly being maintained.

Have a any qustion?